Hogback Mountian Shelter
Last night around midnight it started to pour and the wind wiped up a mist that floated around the shelter. Papa Hawk jumped up a grabbed all the wet clothes people left out to dry and got them out of the rain.
The morning was shrouded in mist with threes and people disappearing in about 75 feet.The hike was cool but very comfortable until we stopped moving. Eventually the sun came out after burning off the fog and gave us spotty heat.
Coming up from Devil Fork Gap first we came across and lovely waterfall just above the trail crossing. Then McGyver and I ran into a couple "good old boys" who were digging up ramps, a very tasty onion like plant, and shareing beers with any hiker who came near them. We had a lot of fun talking with them and they gave use a cople beers to drink and couple more for the road. Oh and some vodka and OJ. They also had a watermelon
which they shared with us(McGyver and I) to our great pleasure. It started getting cold and everyone headed out, they back home and us up the trail kicking rocks due to the side effects of beer.
Also oweing to the effects of beer we decided to make an early night of it. We ended up with the same people as last night. They are talking about slack packing tomorrow. Personally I rather save the money and go the whole way with my kit.
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