Wednesday, July 4, 2007

6/29 Generally Easy

21.5 hiked today, 654.2 miles N, 1519.8 miles left
Mount Wilcox North Lean-to

After yesterday's large elevation changes today was much easier. It contained a large flat with a descent in and climb out.
I enjoyed the valley much as it had a wide range of terran to look at. There were patches of wetlands with their reeds, wildlife, and still flat pools of water. There were also huge pine forest with trees staight as arrows disappearing into the sun above us. They dropped all their lower branches leaving a fairly open space below with a pine neddle floor and soft fern brush that makes for easy walking. Finally there were farmers fields with the expansive horizon they give and the large numbers of birds that enjoy these open spaces.
While in the open the sun beat down on us and zapped our energy. There was a long patch of this so when we reached as road crossing with a spot of shade we took a long break relaxing, chatting, and eating. It was one of those completely chill moments that I hike to find.
After that break quickly we came to Shay's monument where the last battle of the Shay Rebellion occured that help in the creation of our modern constutional state.
The end of the flat did have a climb but it was not bad and we were quickly rolling again over the gentle ridge. I suspect in the flat we did a ridge transfeer changing ridgelines to line up with the upcomming Green Mountains.
Early in the day we saw a toad we had not seen before. It was a beigh but what it made it unique was there was black patch over each eye.
As the day wore on we got tiered quickly and McGyver decided to stop at the S. Wilcox Shelter while I had decided to push onto the next one 1.8 miles later. I did stay long enough to make dinner and to pick up water as the next shelter's water source did not look good.
I headed out for the last 1.8 miles and made good time. There was a very nice smooth trail and I saw a couple of beaver ponds along the way. I got to the N Wilcox Shelter before dark and as I unpacked and talked with my compainion for the night, Greylock, I realized why my hike had been so easy. I had left my water bladder behind! I will have to wait in the morning and see of someone catches up with it

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