19.9 hiked today, 1705.9 miles N, 468.1 miles left
Wintturi Shelter
This journal entry had to written after the fact due to the dropped PocketMail so the details may be weak.

Today started out well. Last night the hostel was making pizzas and this morning I got enjoy my left overs from last night for breakfast. McGyver and I packed up and headed out early. I wanted to make sure I could make it to Hanover, NH in time to meet my friend James/Big Muddy who was arriving on the 14th so I wanted a long day to make sure I was on time. The hitch out of town was rough by finally after almost an hour we got to the trail and started hiking.

The initial part was easy rolling but we got to Maine Junction all that changed. At Maine Junction the AT diverges from the Long Trail. The Long Trail keeps going north to Canada and the AT makes a 90 degree turn east. This results in a ridge transfer and we spent the day navigating steep ups and downs. This slowed us down a bit so we hiked to near sunset. Three miles from the shelter there is a side trail to a house with a ladder mounted to side and platform on top that affords a great view of all the land around. To our SE we could see Killington and Stratton and the line of Green Mountains heading north. To our NE we could see the massive Whites which we will be soon climbing.
The view was surely worth it but the trip made our sprint to camp even tighter. In the end we covered the 3 miles in quick order. We got to shelter before we expected it and had a pleasant night.
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