Saturday, July 14, 2007

6/30 No Energy

14.5 hiked today, 1533.8 miles N, 640.2 miles left
Upper Goose Pond

Last night I awoke to a snaping sound. I failed to mention that Greylock had set mouse traps and the snap I heard was a mouse meeting it's end. Although I see them as a pest I couldn't help but think that the small, now dead, mouse was also cute animal.
Today turned out poorly. I had a fairly agressive goal for the day which I completely failed to meet and in the end I spent most of the day mearly reaching the next shelter. I just was in a daze and totally out of energy likely due to too little sugar. Also I had picked up a book yesterday, Mayday, which I spent much of the day reading. It is a airline disaster book and I can't really tell why I am reading it as the plot is predictable and the charactors totally uninspiring. Still I spent almost all day reading the book. One spot I read was on a small wooden bridge over a calm rock bottomed gurgleing creek. My goal of 23 miles was a decent goal for a day when I felt good but today that was bearly possible. I took the turn off at mile 14 to Upper Goose Pond and I am sure glad I did. The shelter is in fact a cabin with bunks that have matresses and is filled with friendly people. Goose Pond turns out to be a perfect spot to swim and I had a very comfortable and enjoyable swim before settleing down to read. I am a dinner short on food but their hiker box had rice and with that and my spices I whiped up something edible and filling.
The people here are great and we stayed up way past our bedtimes talking. I spent a log time talking with Tripe, a section hiker who is on summer break from teaching second grade. He used to be a VP at Land-O-Lakes and between stories on the dairy industry and teching he had many good stories.
Now I am going to read some more of Mayday. For some reason I can not put it down.

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