Monday, July 23, 2007

7/14 Welcome James

7.3 hiked today, 1733.6 miles N, 440.4 miles left
Velvet Rocks Shelter

Today was an easy day meeting up with James. The only problem was I had no idea when his flight was and we had no plans on where to meet. The hike out of the shelter and into Hanover was almost totally downhill and the last couple miles were a road walk to boot.
I was sad leaving Vermont, the state that has given me so much great hiking. The last town in Vermont, Norwich, was exceptinally hiker friendly with notices on all the services in town up at the road crossing. It was a shame too since I flew right through to Hanover. Hanover was nice and friendly but also rather expensive.
On the way in I ran into Squirrel Master and we hung out for a while checking our mail and having lunch. I thanked him for finding my PocketMail by treating him to lunch. Unfortunatly he told me he was planning on giving up on the thru-hike due to lack of funds.
We parted ways and went to the Darmoth Outting Club offices where I ran into McGyver, 5-String, Jersey Fresh, and Earl Grey. I found my PocketMail where Achilles had left it and checked my email on their computers. Then I found the Boston to Hanover bus schedual and figured out James's bus would arrive at 12, 2, 4, 6, or 8. This freed me up to take care of my resupply and email for the period between buses. That all went well but I still wasn't finding James yet so I killed time taking care of phone calls and email.
Then I decided to look around for a new pack cover when I ran into James and McGyver walking around together. It turns out one of the buses was early and I missed checking it. However James heard someone call out to McGyver and recognized his name for my journals. We all finished up out town business, ate a pizza dinner, and then headed up the mountain to the shelter.
Hanover was very much a upper class sort of town and I was happy to get out of there and back on the trail.
The shelter for tonight looks brand new and is only .8 miles out of town. The only problem is that it's roof is very low and everyone is hitting their head on it though fortunately not me.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Interesting to know.