Sunday, September 14, 2008

Last post

   thank you for reading. However I am finding it very tough to cycle and journal. Most entries take an hour to write when I figure in writing, editing, and searching for WiFi locations. Unfortunately I have underestimated the rigors of this ride and started out in very poor condition as compared to previous long tours. These make it tough for me to find time to enjoy the country I travel through.
    To compensate I will not be writing with an regularity for the rest of this trip if at all. Sorry to let everyone down. However my thoguht is what is the point of journaling if I don't have the time to seek out interesting things to journal about?

1 comment:

Jem said...

aw. just found out you had a trip blog! on the bright side, this'll make it easier to catch up entries. I hope you're having an awesome time!
